What we believe
Scripture is our ultimate authority, revealing to us all we need to know regarding salvation, Christian doctrine and life.

Luverne Christian Reformed Church is a confessional church founded upon the Scriptures alone. The Bible is the ultimate authority to which all our beliefs conform. Every church has doctrinal beliefs, even if they do not write them down. We think it’s best to write them down and be transparent, so you can test them according to Scripture and know what we mean when we use words like grace, faith, or sacraments. Belief statements give us stability, accountability, and unity with one another and keep our focus on what is central to our existence: the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Scripture is our ultimate authority, revealing to us all we need to know regarding salvation, Christian doctrine and life. We believe that the teaching of the Bible is faithfully summarized in the ecumenical creeds of the ancient church: The Apostles’ Creed, The Nicene Creed, and The Athanasian Creed, and further articulated in our Reformed Confessions born out of the Protestant Reformation of the historic Christian faith: The Belgic Confession, The Heidelberg Catechism, and The Canons of Dort.
As a group of believers who follow Jesus Christ, our Mission is to know Christ, to grow in Christ, to serve Christ, and to share Christ — all to God’s glory. We joyfully proclaim the Good News of God’s saving grace, and we seek to serve Him in obedience to His Word. We invite you to worship with us and to grow with us in knowing and serving our Lord and Savior.
We invite you to grow in your knowledge of God by reading His Word for yourself, learning from the summaries of it, and joining us by responding to God in thanksgiving and faith each Sunday morning and evening.

605 N Estey St., Luverne, MN 56156
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Who We Are