Would you like to give online? We have set up a secure way to support the ministries of our church through Click on the “DONATE HERE” button above to access a secure form where you may enter your bank or credit card information. You may also choose which fund to support: General Fund, Building Fund or Education Fund.

How to Give Online

1) Fill in all fields. If you toggle “Remember Me” you can add a password and PIN of your choosing to expedite future donations.
2) There are modest online convenience fees:
If you give with a Credit Card (Visa, MasterCard) the church will be charged 2.9% of the amount plus 30 cents per donation. It is a bit more cost effective to give monthly as opposed to weekly. If you activate “cover fees” you will be charged the extra 2.9% plus the 30 cents. (American Exchange = 3.5% plus 30 cents)
The convenience fees are less if you give from a bank account (see green bar at bottom of donation form): 1% plus 30 cents per transaction. If you activate “cover fees” you will be charged the extra 1% plus the 30 cents.
3) When you donate you will receive an e-mail confirmation which allows you to review/cancel if you need to.
4) If you need more instructions/assistance, you may consult this DOCUMENT prepared by our deacons.

605 N Estey St., Luverne, MN 56156



Online Giving

Adult & Youth Ministries

Who We Are